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Apotea Expands Agreement with RightHand Robotics to Deploy RightPick™ Item-Handling System in New Logistics Center

Apotea Expands Agreement with RightHand Robotics to Deploy RightPick™ Item-Handling System in New Logistics Center

RightHand Robotics, a leader in autonomous AI robotic picking solutions for order fulfillment, announces a strategic robotic expansion agreement with Apotea, Sweden’s leading online pharmacy, to automate their new logistics center in Varberg, Sweden.


Apotea Expands Agreement with RightHand Robotics to Deploy RightPick™ Item-Handling System in New Logistics Center

Apotea Expands Agreement with RightHand Robotics to Deploy RightPick™ Item-Handling System in New Logistics Center

RightHand Robotics, a leader in autonomous AI robotic picking solutions for order fulfillment, announces a strategic robotic expansion agreement with Apotea, Sweden’s leading online pharmacy, to automate their new logistics center in Varberg, Sweden.


Apotea Expands Agreement with RightHand Robotics to Deploy RightPick™ Item-Handling System in New Logistics Center

Apotea Expands Agreement with RightHand Robotics to Deploy RightPick™ Item-Handling System in New Logistics Center

RightHand Robotics, a leader in autonomous AI robotic picking solutions for order fulfillment, announces a strategic robotic expansion agreement with Apotea, Sweden’s leading online pharmacy, to automate their new logistics center in Varberg, Sweden.


An inside look at picking technologies

An inside look at picking technologies

From pick-to-light to the most advanced robotics, picking technologies are rapidly changing order fulfillment.


Transforming Warehouse Automation by Embracing a System Solution

Transforming Warehouse Automation by Embracing a System Solution

The landscape of warehouse automation is undergoing a transformative shift. Robotics piece-picking, once viewed as a singular component in the complex machinery of warehouse operations, is now emerging as critical to a comprehensive system solution. As a result, sophisticated operators are revisiting and redefining industry standards and KPIs, and exploring what is possible in the next frontier of warehouse automation.


The Reimagined Warehouse: Eliminating Chaos

The Reimagined Warehouse: Eliminating Chaos

Warehouse and ecommerce fulfillment is beyond “it just needs to work.” Now is the time to find efficiencies, improvements, and optimizations to maximize the warehouse throughput. And it’s less about where to start, but rather where integrators and end users need to end up.


Piece-Picking and the Race to Lead in Warehouse Robotics

Piece-Picking and the Race to Lead in Warehouse Robotics

Warehouse automation is currently undergoing a major transformation, taking advantage of all of the robotic innovation of the past decade and moving beyond conveyance technology. The surge in global fulfillment demands has pushed productivity and reliability to their limits, signaling a major shift on the horizon.


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