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RightPick™ Piece-Picking Solutions

The RightPick system provides businesses with a vital productivity boost as part of a lean and efficient material handling process. The system learns as it picks, and has been building a database of knowledge that allows our customers to benefit from fleet learning. Each new robot benefits from 100% of our previous experience creating better AI with better analytics, metrics, and training data.

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Right Hand Robotics Staples 20231128 3669 cr

AI-Powered Item Handling

Hand - Eye - Coordination

The RightPick system is an autonomous picking solution that is powered by AI and machine learning, and enabled by proprietary hardware designed specifically for industrial robotic piece-picking. The field-proven gripper that utilizes three compliant fingers and suction, in concert with the newly launched industrial vision system, facilitate the perception, planning, and learning of the RightPick AI piece-picking brain. This hand-eye-coordination of robotic piece-picking brings speed, predictability, and reliability to round-the-clock order fulfillment.

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All-in-one solution that can pick the widest range of items without a tool change

Designed for 24/7 utilization

Advanced sensing capabilities helps inform fleet learning and improve AI

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Optimized for robotic piece-picking

Designed to meet complex and varying workflow requirements

Fast data transfer for cycle time efficiency

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RightPick AI

With AI that is always learning, improvements are seamless for customers

Enhanced autonomy for 24/7 picking

Smart model-free item recognition ensures system is providing value on day one


The RightPick system provides customers with AI-based software algorithms, a fine-tuned sensor suite, and proprietary industrial hardware that enables a highly autonomous solution, capable of picking a wide SKU range with minimal need for human intervention.


The RightPick system provides customers with AI-based software algorithms, a fine-tuned sensor suite, and proprietary industrial hardware that enables a highly autonomous solution, capable of picking a wide SKU range with minimal need for human intervention.

Wide range of pickable items

Fulfill multi-line orders at a single robotic work station, from items as small as a lip balm to as large as a jug of laundry detergent.

Advanced autonomy

Smart exception handling tackles unexpected scenarios during the picking process to minimize human interventions.

Order integrity

Innovative multi-pick and trash detection ensures that the right items make it to your customers.

New machine vision system

Faster, higher-resolution industrial cameras, designed specifically for piece-picking, enable greater range and flexibility in physical workspaces.

Best-in-class service and support

Commitment to customer success from design to delivery, our robust hardware delivers maximum flexibility with minimal downtime.

Optimized apparel picking

Our systems level approach combined with the RightPick™ 4 solution unlocks production environment apparel picking.

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Right Hand Robotics Automated Piece Picking
Right Hand Robotics Right Pick Large items
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The RightPick system provides customers with AI-based software algorithms, a fine-tuned sensor suite, and proprietary industrial hardware that enables a highly autonomous solution, capable of picking a wide SKU range with minimal need for human intervention.

Right Hand Robotics Automated Piece Picking Right Hand Robotics Right Pick Large items Artboard 10

Fulfill multi-line orders at a single robotic work station, from items as small as a lip balm to as large as a jug of laundry detergent.

Smart exception handling tackles unexpected scenarios during the picking process to minimize human interventions.

Innovative multi-pick and trash detection ensures that the right items make it to your customers.

Faster, higher-resolution industrial cameras, designed specifically for piece-picking, enable greater range and flexibility in physical workspaces.

Commitment to customer success from design to delivery, our robust hardware delivers maximum flexibility with minimal downtime.

Our systems level approach combined with the RightPick™ 4 solution unlocks production environment apparel picking.


Expanding the Workflow

Right Hand Robotics Barcode Scanner 4113 s cr Barcode scanning photo apo datalogic
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Barcode Scanning

In addition to the core task of picking and placing items as part of the order fulfillment workflow, the RightPick system can perform the optional task of barcode scanning the item in-hand before it is placed into an order. The RightPick system can scan tough to read or obscure barcodes with minimum impact to the pick-place cycle. This feature enables product traceability or order validation, which is a necessary procedure in certain applications that require confirmation as part of their quality management process.

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Suction Cup Swapper

The Suction Cup Swapper (SCS) gives the RightPick system the ability to switch suction cup types in real time in order to optimize the picking process for a wider range of products. An appropriately-shaped suction cup ensures a reliable and successful pick, and avoids multi-picking and potentially damaging the product. For warehouse operators this means roughly 1.5x as many orders become 100% robot pickable, simplifying material flow and improving operational flexibility toward the vision of “lights out” order fulfillment.

The Most Mature Solution on the Market

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autonomous picking

Smart exception handling tackles unexpected scenarios during picking and keeps manual intervention rates as low as 0.01%.

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Order Integrity
successful picks in production per month

Innovative multi-pick detection and quality assurance ensures the right items make it to your customers.

years of production picking

Fleets of robots have been picking for 5 years in production on multiple continents, making us the most industrial solution on market.

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Integrating RightPick Systems

Fast to deploy, Fast to value

With the power of RightPick AI, and our focus on the overall solution rather than individual components, the RightPick system is the easiest robotic piece-picking system to integrate, and is picking and providing value within days. Through a well-defined API, system integrators can easily incorporate the RightPick system into their offered workflows and bring immediate value to customers.

See All Integrations & Workflows

We chose to partner with RightHand Robotics for its breadth of robotic picking expertise and a straightforward approach to system integration. Our technology and AutoStore combined with the RightPick system creates a new future for warehouse automation. We believe this collaboration will establish a new benchmark for the intralogistics industry.

Hårvard Hallås

Chief Commercial Officer of Element Logic

The RightPick robots were plug-and-play, easy to install, and easy to integrate into our unique workflow. RightHand Robotics has met all our requirements and expectations for advancing the capabilities of automation innovation as well as our high standards for speed, quality and uptime.

Daniel Mühl

Managing Director, apo.com Group

Make the right pick

Facets of the
RightPick™ solution

The best-in-class piece-picking solution for reliable and autonomous order fulfillment, driven by machine learning and AI, using proprietary industrial hardware.

Pick & place millions of SKUs

Model-free item recognition

Easy to integrate and operate

Autonomously fill orders 24/7

Over a petabyte of operational data

As fast as 3-second cycle time

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