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The Picking Piece

Integrations and Workflows

The RightPick robotic system seamlessly integrates with a wide range of commercial material handling and warehouse software systems to automate your new or existing piece-picking workflows. If your fulfillment operations depend on any of the automation systems below, then robotic picking is the next piece to add.

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AS/RS Thumbnail
Organizing your inventory in an Automated Storage and Retrieval System (AS/RS) allows you to efficiently manage floorspace and build upwards. The modular RightPick robot cells are easy to integrate into your AS/RS picking stations.
AutoStore™ Thumbnail
RightPick robots are a natural fit for the AutoStore automated cube storage system, with workstations that allow for easy integration with picking robots and known item types that are already vetted as pickable by the RightPick system.
AMR Thumbnail
Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs) are a nimble and easily scalable option for a goods-to-picker workflow. AMRs can work around the clock and adapt to changing environments, unlocking a faster and more flexible order fulfillment process.
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Sorter Induction
Sorter induct systems are very effective, particularly for high-volume e-commerce fulfillment operations. Paired with the RightPick picking system, sorters can streamline the transportation of goods for replenishment or order fulfillment.
Auto Bagger Thumbnail
Auto Bagger
The RightPick system can easily integrate with a variety of different types of auto baggers, which are a great application for single-line order workflows and are commonly used in pharmaceutical and apparel distribution facilities.
Put Wall Thumbnail
Put Wall
Put wall applications are all about efficiency. These cubby systems are modular and scalable, and generally have small footprints. The RightPick system is notable for being the most compact piece-picking solution on the market, and combined with a put wall the two systems help to maximize both space and time during order consolidation.
Kitting Thumbnail
The RightPick item-handling system is capable of picking a wide range of items as small as a tube of chapstick or a pack of coin batteries, which makes it an obvious choice for automated kitting workflows.
Righthand Robotics world map


The RightPick system works collaboratively around the world with logistics facility employees and existing manual or automated systems, providing businesses with a vital productivity boost.

Integration Partners

At RightHand Robotics we pride ourselves on creating an easy-to-integrate and easy-to-deploy piece of the overall fulfillment process, comprised of a simple interface, intuitive performance dashboards and APIs. Integrators prefer this dependable solution to satisfy the end customers’ need for predictability over anything else.

Learn more on our Partners page

Keep Exploring Applications

See how robotic piece-picking benefits various industries of commerce and retail, or learn how to start your journey to installing robotic piece-picking in your facilities with a step-by-step guide on how to assess your inventory.