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AutoStore™ plus the RightPick™ system

automated fulfillment made easy

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Auto Store image Apotea

The RightPick industrial robot system handles the core task of picking and placing individual items, and has been configured to pick from a variety of AutoStore workstation offerings. By working with an AutoStore integrator, you are now able to automate the last touch-point of your fulfillment workflow before packout.

Don't just take our word for it

Learn how our customers are already enjoying “piece of mind” by relying on the consolidated offering of RightHand Robotics automated piece-picking with the AutoStore cube storage system. Each workflow is backed by production KPIs that meet expectations of order integrity and reliable fulfillment.

AutoStore with RightHand Robotics at Apotea

The Details



Morgongåva, Sweden



Customer Testimonial

“We started to work with RightHand Robotics, and then we started to work with Element Logic’s AutoStore… it was like a perfect match.”

- Pär Svärdson, CEO of Apotea



Port Type:


Number of Bins:


Orders Filled Per Day:


AutoStore with RightHand Robotics at Apotea

See how RightHand Robotics is automating pick operations at Apotea

Ready to get started?

Get in touch to see how the RightPick system fits into your fulfillment operations.

apo.com Group's Customized Workflow from AutoStore and RightHand Robotics

The Details



Duiven, The Netherlands



Customer Testimonial

“Our customers need dependable and fast fulfillment of their orders for pharmaceutical products, so we require a high level of automation at our facilities. APO.com Group’s innovation team conceived the AutoStore / RightHand Robotics solution in 2019 and developed the custom-build AutoStore picks cells in close cooperation with RHR."

- Daniel Mühl, Managing Director at apo.com Group



Port Type:


Number of Bins:


Orders Filled Per Day:


AutoStore and RightHand Robotics at apo.com Group

apo.com Group's Customized Workflow from AutoStore and RightHand Robotics

Ready to get started?

Get in touch to see how the RightPick system fits into your fulfillment operations.

Element logic
We chose to partner with RightHand Robotics for its breadth of robotic picking expertise and a straightforward approach to system integration. With surging online commerce placing great stress on fulfillment centers, now was the time to create a one-stop solution to ease our customers’ business pain. Our technology and AutoStore combined with the RightPick system creates a new future for warehouse automation. We believe this collaboration will establish a new benchmark for the intralogistics industry.
Hårvard Hallås, Chief Commercial Officer of Element Logic
Asetec Logo Original3
In recent years we’ve seen tremendous growth, especially during COVID, as customer demand for robotic automation multiplied, leading us to adapt and enhance our business and product offering. To continue to meet the market need, we’re excited to partner with RightHand Robotics, the leader in robotic piece-picking, and offer a fully integrated RightPick – AutoStore system solution for South Korea.
Park Jong Suk, founder & CEO of Asetec

Configured Workstations

The precision and modularity of the AutoStore cube storage system enables anything from micro-fulfillment for small businesses, to filling out oddly shaped spaces in brownfield projects. Their thoughtful approach to solving customers’ unique challenges also extends to the design of their workstations, or ports. Each port type addresses different requirements and use-cases but all versions prioritize efficiency and functionality.

Three rotating arms inside this port present one bin to the picker while the other two arms receive or return bins back to the AutoStore Grid, creating an uninterrupted flow.
ConveyorPort uses a conveyor belt to move bins from the AutoStore Grid to the pick stations, and is the most simple workstation offering.
FusionPort presents two bins that operate independently, and queues two additional bins, cutting down on wait times for faster order picking.
RelayPort has the fastest bin turnaround of all AutoStore ports with a minimum exchange rate of less than 3 seconds, making it ideal for high demand orders or peak periods.
Learn more about AutoStore workstations

Add robotic piece-picking to your AutoStore

If you already own an AutoStore grid, chances are high that your fulfillment workflow would benefit from integrating RightPick picking robots at your workstations. A majority of AutoStore users are in the e-commerce and omnichannel fulfillment industries, and the typical order size for those products are in-line with workflows that can benefit from autonomous piece-picking. In fact, close to 75% of product sets that are currently being stored in AutoStore bins would benefit from autonomous picking by the RightPick system.

Get in touch to add robotic picking to your AutoStore

Become a certified Integration Partner

Apotea Element Logic Auto Store Right Hand Robotics web 22233 059 cr

The RightHand Robotics Partner Integrator Program is a strategic ecosystem for robotic piece-picking projects with complementary warehouse technologies and solution providers. The Program aligns business goals of system integrators, OEM technology providers, and certified robot integrator partners, offering commercial and technical engagement such that customers can build comprehensive solutions Powered by RightHand Robotics™.

The RightPick industrial piece-picking solution combines an intelligent gripper, a vision system, and control software driven by RightPick™ AI that leverages machine learning to continuously improve picking in a variety of workflows. Generating and crunching massive amounts of data gathered from production sites across the globe, RightPick AI is the stack to count on if you’re a systems integrator. With these three elements - the hand, eye, coordination of item handling - RightHand Robotics owns the pick. System integrators can focus on overall system reliability, and leave the picking to us.

Become a Partner
Apotea Element Logic Auto Store Right Hand Robotics web 22233 059 cr