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Get Ready For a Tour Through the Grippers of Star Wars

If you're a fan of the Skywalker Saga and robotics, get ready for an intergalactic adventure! Here's our pick of some awesome robotic grippers, grabbers, and cybernetics from Star Wars - R2D2 arm-mounted grabbers to Grievous' clawed finger extensions.
The Latest Article: Get ready for a tour through the grippers of star wars

When it comes to Star Wars, the discussion usually revolves around iconic spacecraft, powerful lightsabers, and formidable foes. However, there's another vital component of this universe that often gets overlooked – the innovative grippers used for grabbing and manipulating objects. So, what better day than May the 4th to highlight some of the best grippers, grabbers, and cybernetics in Star Wars? Today we want to share a rundown on some of the most famous (and force-sensitive!) handiwork featured in Star Wars. From R2-D2’s arm-mounted grabbers to Grievous' clawed finger extensions, get ready for a tour through all your favorite galaxy far far away attachments!

Carbonite Freezing Chamber Claw

In The Empire Strikes Back, Han Solo is frozen in Carbonite after one of the most hilarious responses to what could have been a last-chance declaration of love — I know the huge gripper in the Carbonite Freezing Chamber on Cloud City one of the most impressive grippers in Star Wars. Grasping the carbonite-encased, stuck-up, half-witted, scruffy-looking nerf-herder out of the freezing chamber was no small task, While the specifics of just how cold carbon freezing is, creating a gripper with the ability to operate at temperatures low enough to freeze someone into stasis is an engineering feat. The powerful claw-like gripping mechanism is capable of lifting even the heaviest smugglers with ease and precision. With this powerful gripper at their disposal, I am surprised we didn't see a lot more frozen rebels. If you want a full deep-dive into carbonite freezing check out The Definitive Guide to Being Frozen in Carbonite.


FX Medical Droid

If you're ever in need of a little medical attention in a galaxy far, far away, you better hope that a FX medical droid shows up on the scene. Not only does this little droid have an impressive array of medical tools at his disposal, but they have some pretty amazing grippers too. Those things are like a surgeon's dream tool kit - they can hold things, rotate objects, and even perform delicate procedures with precision. And let's be honest, who wouldn't want a robot with grippers that good? I mean, it's like having your own personal 20-armed surgical assistant!

Making of a Monster


When it comes to Star Wars, R2-D2's tools are the most iconic. Among R2-D2’s many gadgets is a tiny gripper or two that allow him to pick up and manipulate objects of varying shapes and sizes. These grippers have proven to be invaluable in repairing everything from starship engines to droids on the battlefield. In fact, R2-D2 has saved the day on numerous occasions thanks to his expert use of his grippers. But without a doubt, R2's most impressive demonstration of his grippers (and technically not cannon) is R2-D2's cameo Slappin Da Bass at Bart's Moon Party on the Simpsons!


Anakin Golden Mechno-Arm

Anakin Skywalker's "mechno-arm" was a custom-made prosthetic limb constructed for him after his right arm was severed by Count Dooku on Geonosis. This robotic appendage lacked the synthskin applied to some models, and had a skeletal, droid-like appearance. The “mechno-arm” was designed to be a stronger and a more durable replacement, not just a cosmetic disguise. Anakin's new arm was an advanced version of the mechno-arm, featuring golden, electrostatic fingertips that simulated a sense of touch. Sensory impulses from the fingertips were used to collect data which was then transmitted through the fingers to an interface module at the wrist. This module allowed the connection between Anakin's robotic hand and living tissues, resulting in a seamless integration between the human and machine. Anakin had exceptional control and precision due to a strong and efficient power cell located near the thumb that controlled the arm's servos and sensors.

One of the most remarkable features of Anakin's new gripper was its motorized knuckles, which provided him with a crushing strength far beyond that of a typical human hand. This enhanced strength made him an even more formidable force in combat – but some of this may have been cast into legends.


IG Series Assassin Droids

The IG Series of Droids were first introduced to the Star Wars universe during “The Empire Strikes Back,” and are known for their skill and precision when it comes to combat. They also have another important feature – grippers! These droids' grippers may seem simple: IG-11 has basic three-finger claw grippers, and IG-88B, became one of the most feared bounty hunters in the galaxy with a set of two-fingered claw-type grippers, but they use these grippers with mind-blowing dexterity to handle an arsenal of weapons with frightening accuracy—from blasters, pulse cannons, a DAS-430 Neural Inhibitor and a needle dart gun that launches poison darts to concussion discs and even vibroblades. Whether they're being used as bounty hunters or assassins, these remarkable droid models have become a staple of the Star Wars universe. Their claw-fingered gripping abilities remain an impressive feat of technology—just imagine what they could have done with some actual fingers.


Hello There - General Grievous

General Grievous, the military strategist and a feared Jedi hunter was the formidable cyborg villain of the Star Wars prequels. He is known for his powerful and deadly Lightsaber skills which would be impossible without his impressive set of cybernetic grippers that are an essential part of his body. His two mechanical arms were surgically reconstructed by Separatist cybernetics experts and Geonosian biotechnicians containing a duranium alloy body with six claw-like fingers on each arm. These robotic hands can grip objects tightly and move them with incredible speed and precision AND split in two - perfect for wielding four Lightsabers simultaneously as General Grievous does during battles! While we at RightHand Robotics are still debating whether or not to allow our robots to use Lightsabers. ("Don't give robots knives!" to which I reply, "Lightsabers aren't knives, they are laser swords!”) One thing is for sure, Grievous's grippers were more than capable of a Lightsaber or four.

Obi-Wan vs. Grievous

L-hand 980 – Luke Skywalker's Cybernetic Prosthetic Hand

One of the most iconic pieces of gripping technology in the Star Wars universe is Luke Skywalker's cybernetic prosthetic hand, the model L-hand 980. The model was used by medical droid 2-1B to replace Luke Skywalker's hand after it was severed on Bespin by Darth Vader.The advanced cybernetic appendage was capable of performing incredible feats with its prehensile grip. With this powerful gripper at his disposal, Luke could wield a lightsaber with precision or perform delicate tasks but most importantly, wield the force. Thanks to its remarkable design and capabilities, the L-hand 980 remains one of the most impressive examples of gripping technology ever seen in Star Wars!


While Star Wars has so many impressive grippers, I could never cover all of them in one post. Let me know if you think I missed something great. At RightHand Robotics, we believe our grippers are just as fascinating. Our company began after winning a DARPA gripper challenge and has grown from that into a full-scale robotic picking solution used in distribution centers and warehouses around the world for order fulfillment. We developed the RightPick™ 3 Piece-Picking robot with industrial-grade grippers specifically for item handling and designed for long-term use and reliability, changing the game in order fulfillment. With our proprietary gripper, machine vision, and award-winning RightPick™ AI, the future of automated Piece-Picking is not so Far, Far away with RightHand Robotics.

RightHand Robotics RIghtPick™ Gripper
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