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Robots Share Center Stage, Human Hiring on the Rise at RHR

New product launch party video, feature in Bloomberg, teaming up with Element Logic, and spotlight in Robohub podcast.
The Latest Article: Robots share center stage, human hiring on the rise at rhr
Robots Share Center Stage, Human Hiring On the Rise at RHR

Video Spotlight: Robot Launch Party

Customers, partners, supply chain professionals, robotics industry veterans, and members of the media united this past spring to witness the launch of our RightPick2 robotic piece-picking system. Watch a recap of the gala below.

Robots Automate Mundane Tasks

Vision, AI and gecko-inspired hands take automation from factory to warehouse.

Watch below as our robotic piece-picking solution picks items from a tote, scans each one to identify which order it belongs to, then places them into a specific cubbies within a put wall based on that information.* Next, read the full article by Thomas Black via Bloomberg.

Teaming Up with Element Logic to Transform Intralogistics

"The new invention integrates RHR's ingenious RightPick robotic piece-picking system with Element Logic’s unique and flexible software system for managing AutoStore." Learn more about what this technology partnership means for the intralogistics industry in "The Future Is In Our Hands" via Element Logic.

Photo courtesy of Element Logic

Podcast: Spotlight on Companies Leading the Charge for Use of AI in Automating Warehouse Fulfillment

Take in the groovy intro music of the Robohub podcast and then give a listen to RHR's Head of Product and Marketing Vince Martinelli at the 1:18 mark as he beats the drum for warehouse automation and the importance of robotic piece-picking.

Hire and Hire We Go

We have close to twenty open positions listed on our careers page here at RightHand Robotics. Know of someone who might be a good fit for a fast-moving, award-winning robotics company where exciting things are happening every day? If you do, please spread the word or raise your hand and ping us at [email protected].

By the way, as additional job openings become available we’re sharing them on LinkedIn, along with other announcements and industry news. So if you’re not already, give us a follow there and tweet us up on Twitter as well.

*Animated gif is displaying RightPick at a faster-than-usual pace. Pick rates can run up to 1,000 items per hour, but vary based on application and specific workflow.

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