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RightHand Robotics is Committed to the Fight for Racial Justice and Equality

RightHand Robotics stands with others across the nation in the denouncing of racial injustice.
The Latest Article: Righthand robotics is committed to the fight for racial justice and equality
RightHand Robotics is Committed to the Fight for Racial Justice and Equality

RightHand Robotics stands with others across the nation in denouncing racial injustice, and especially the actions that led to the tragic deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery and too many other victims.

These deaths, along with the injustices inflicted upon the Black community each day, are a reminder that racism in our country still exists. This is a time to unite and take action to create a single, powerful voice for a critical national cause – the elimination of racism and racial inequality.

We recognize that as a robotics startup, we are in a position to make a difference in the way we hire, educate and create an inclusive work environment for our employees. We are committed to examining our current practices and identifying ways to be even more intentional in creating opportunities for those who have historically suffered injustices. We hope to influence other robotics and technology companies to make a similar commitment.

At RightHand we live by our five core values, two of which focus on a collaborative, respectful culture, and are defined by these words: “Our team believes in building trust by approaching conversations with a generosity of spirit, seeking to understand before being understood, and actively engaging in respectful debate. We have each other’s backs as we work together to pursue our mission and ensure the success of our customers and partners. We embrace our differences, leverage our collective knowledge, and are always willing to lend a hand.”

Now more than ever, these values can be applied in our everyday lives as we navigate this time in history and seek a positive path forward.

Together, we can make a difference. Together, we can create a new normal. Together, we can be better.

#BlackLivesMatter #BLM

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