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Peaking Into Fall and Picking Up Steam

RightHand Robotics featured in The Wall Street Journal, FreightWaves' What the Truck?!? podcast, plus a new case study by Intel®.
The Latest Article: Peaking into fall and picking up steam
Peaking Into Fall and Picking Up Steam

In these abnormal times, where students are tuning into classes online and football stadiums remain largely void of fans, one thing is for certain: peak season is coming around like clockwork and the topics of order fulfillment and automation are top of mind and filling up our news feeds again. With that, here's a RightHand summary of what we're seeing and saying.

The Wall Street Journal: As E-Commerce Booms, Robots Pick Up Human Slack

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused an explosion in demand for home-delivered goods and are pushing the limits of what robotics and automation can do. Companies across industries are looking for new ways to minimize human contact, cut costs and address the labor crunch in repetitive and dangerous jobs. In his column, Christopher Mims explores why many argue that bringing robots into these roles is the the solution, including our investors from venture capital firm Playground Global and our customer PALTAC, Japan's largest wholesaler of consumer packaged goods. Read more in the WSJ (subscription required) and check out the video below to see our picking bots in action at PALTAC's facility in Sugito, Japan.

FreightWaves' WHAT THE TRUCK?!? Podcast: Rise of Warehouse Automation

Last month, Vince Martinelli, RHR's Head of Product and Marketing, joined Dooner and The Dude of FreightWaves' WHAT THE TRUCK?!? podcast as a special guest to their 204th episode. They talked about the rise of warehouse automation and why it’s a leading space for innovation, Tom Brady and Cam Newton, and conducted a little something called "The Dooner Demo." Watch and join the fun, or listen to it here (10:30 - 23:00)!

Intel Case Study: How RightHand Robotics Uses Intel® RealSense™ Computer Vision Technology to Revolutionize Automated Warehouse Order Fulfillment

Intel chose RHR for a case study to demonstrate how these two technologies collaborate and revolutionize automated warehouse order fulfillment. Guided by Intel RealSense cameras, our RightPick2 (RP2) platform delivers robotic piece‑picking solutions for e-commerce order fulfillment. These support most warehouse automation use cases: goods‑to‑person systems, sortation systems, put wall, autobagger systems, mobile robots, and kitting. With RP2 and Intel RealSense cameras, a single warehouse worker can supervise and manage a fleet of half a dozen robots or more, picking and placing thousands of SKUs instead of having to search warehouse aisles. To learn more, please download the Intel case study here.

In the News

Thoughts on the Impact of COVID-19 and Essential Supply Chain AutomationRobotics Tomorrow RoboFreight: Rise of Warehouse AutomationWHAT THE TRUCK?!? RightPick2 from RightHand Robotics Uses RealSense for Flexible Piece PickingThe Robot Report Computer Vision Drives Automated Warehouse SolutionFreightWaves 3 Technologies Driving Competitive AdvantageMHI Robotics Finds Its Place in FulfillmentLogistics Management Will the Pandemic Accelerate Automation in Supply Chains? Part 2: Cheaper, Smaller, More Efficient - The Evolving Capabilities of Robotseft by Reuters Pandemic Trend: Seeking Efficiency and Safety, Businesses Accelerate Warehouse AutomationCO–by U.S. Chamber of Commerce The Big Stress TestInside Logistics

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