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Pharmaceutical and Healthcare

Pharmaceutical fulfillment made easy

The RightPick™ robotic piece-picking system keeps goods flowing cost-effectively as part of an overall path toward a digitized pharmaceutical and healthcare supply chain. When consistency and traceability are critical and demand is growing, the RightPick system meets that challenge by consistently picking products quickly and accurately. The robotic picking system’s multifunction smart grippers combine sensing, suction, and compliant fingers for exceptional handling, even from tightly packed totes.

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Pick and Place Millions of SKUs
The RightPick system can pick and place millions of different products (SKUs) and often completes entire orders without requiring manual order consolidation downstream. The system can pick items it has never seen before without the need for models, offering flexibility for settings where product assortment and packaging designs might change over time.
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Reach Rates up to 1,200 Items/Hour
High-demand pharmaceutical and health care environments require high-speed, accurate piece-picking robots.The RightPick system can reliably move up to 1,200 items per hour and can do so consistently across a fleet, making sure crucial health care products reach customers in a timely manner.
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24/7 Autonomous Order Fulfillment
Whether your facility involves two-shift or continuous operation around the clock, the RightPick system offers 24/7 autonomous order-filling capabilities with minimal human intervention. In addition, the RightPick system features error handling with exception resolution while also meeting all necessary and relevant safety and compliance requirements.

We Own the Pick

The RightPick robotic piece-picking system provides comprehensive accountability for all key performance metrics, and “owns the pick” by generating useful data that helps to further optimize performance over time. This includes built-in barcode-reading capabilities, allowing the system to scan and verify items for product traceability and order validation as part of a quality management process.

In addition to 1D barcodes, the RightPick system can handle 2D codes, which are an important part of the drug safety infrastructure in the United States. Using 2D barcodes helps the FDA accurately track product identifiers and helps health care providers capture complete, error-free data about vaccine inventory and administration, according to the CDC. This capability will prove critical when the requirement to use 2D codes goes into effect in the United States.

For additional flexibility, the RightPick system features machine learning algorithms that improve the system’s overall piece-picking capabilities as it works with single-SKU or subdivided totes over time, and adapting quickly to an ever-evolving mix of products, with less manual effort required.

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Seamless Integration Into Existing Workflows

Pharmaceutical and healthcare companies need a piece-picking system that can be quickly and easily deployed and integrated into existing workflows to immediately add value. Many warehouses use goods-to-person automation solutions, whereby products automatically show up on time at a given work station for order fulfillment. Automated storage and retrieval systems (AS/RS) are primary examples. These systems help organize and track inventory, often managing thousands of different items in a relatively small footprint. In a typical setup, mobile robots move within a structural grid framework to pick and deliver goods from bins or totes. When the AS/RS is directed by warehouse software to start an order, a robot retrieves the appropriate bin from its inventory storage location and delivers it to a workstation for order fulfillment or replenishment. A robotic piece-picking system can then transfer the item from the bin to an outbound container.

Pharma warehouse 1

Companies looking to add piece-picking capabilities to an existing AS/RS require a robotic system that can be easily integrated into the overall workflow. The piece-picking system’s design must factor in the robot’s maximum reach and should promote the efficient flow of goods from one or more source totes to outbound containers, such as order cartons or transfer totes. The RightPick robots easy-to-use application programming interface simplifies this process, allowing efficient incorporation into existing warehouse software and systems, enabling a variety of standard workflows.

Automated Storage / Retrieval Systems
Automated Storage / Retrieval Systems
Automated Storage, /, Retrieval, Systems
Easy integration of piece-picking systems into existing AS/RS workflows provides pharmaceutical and health care companies immediate order fulfillment productivity gains. Additional robots added into the workflow in the future will instantly match the throughput and reliability of the others in production.
Sorter Induction
Sorter Induction
Sorter Induction
Adding RightPick industrial picking robots into existing sorter induction workflows will allow the system to handle a vast range of mixed SKUs, batch-picked totes, or subdivided single-SKU totes, picking and placing to traditional or robotic unit sorters while allowing your team to focus on other high-value tasks on the warehouse floor.
Learn More about our Solutions

"apo.com Group is the most advanced online pharmacy in Europe. RightHand Robotics (RHR) was a perfect match for us to meet our fulfillment needs. We have no more than 20 employees that work with our automation to achieve an output of 25-30k parcels per day. Competitors our size have 250 to 300 people in fulfillment working around the clock for the same output. RHR’s product is also highly scalable to accommodate future growth.”

Michael H. Fritsch, Founder & Shareholder

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